Cooper is 2 months old!

A few new pics of the little guy - he turned 2 months old on March 15th! He is a great sleeper and loves to watch his rainforest music toy in his crib! We are truely blessed and enjoy all the time we get to spend with him. (you can view the pics larger by clicking on them)

Coop's 2 months old!

Cooper just hanging on the couch...chillin!

He has just started to smile!

Cooper practicing holding his head up!
Walking the neighborhood with Dad.


Judes said...

OMG - I cant believe he is 2 months already. Love the pics...he is growing so fast! He is a gorgeous boy! Any great name :). More look terrific! I have never seen a new mom look so beautiful in every picture. Jackie..even in the hospital you look asbsolutely beautiful. Your hair is so long you really look wonderful~! I dont like it. I think the look for you is super short and NOT blonde....a nice burgandy red..ya thats it!
I am certain you wish this hiatus would continue a little longer, but I for one cant wait to have you back!

Colleen said...

OMG...Cooper is ADORABLE!!! Can't wait to meet him sometime soon!