Cooper is 11 months old!

Cooper turned 11 months old on 12.15! Cannot believe he is almost a year old - he is a complete joy and we are the luckiest parents to have him as our son! He now weighs 22 lbs and is 33 inches long. He waves, is starting to walk, and loves to play with his dogs, Rocco & Oscar.

View more pics in his picasa web album at:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Jacki & Steven

Cooper is 7 months old!

Cooper has gotten so big and has started to crawl! He is 30.5 inches long and weighs in at 21 lbs. He pulled himself up for the first time today (8.27.09)! He loves to crawl from room to room and has kept us very busy! He loves to play with his basketball and our pup-pups.

For more pics view our picture albums at:

Cooper's 5 months old!

Cooper turned 5 months old on June 15th!! He is rolling over and over and over!!! He loves to go for walks, go swimming, and attempts to pet the pup-pups. Our dogs, Rocco & Oscar, LOVE to lick him which makes him smile and laugh.

To see more 5 month old pics click link below!

Cooper's 1st Trip to Kentucky!

We had a great time in Kentucky over Memorial Day weekend. A fun family get together was held at Billy & Beth's home and the weather couldn't have been more perfect! It was wonderful to see everyone and introduce Cooper to the fam and friends.

To see all pictures copy & paste this link into your browser:

Cooper is 2 months old!

A few new pics of the little guy - he turned 2 months old on March 15th! He is a great sleeper and loves to watch his rainforest music toy in his crib! We are truely blessed and enjoy all the time we get to spend with him. (you can view the pics larger by clicking on them)

Coop's 2 months old!

Cooper just hanging on the couch...chillin!

He has just started to smile!

Cooper practicing holding his head up!
Walking the neighborhood with Dad.

Cooper is 1 month old!

Here are some new pictures of Cooper - he's 1 month old!!

Daddy and Cooper cheer for UK - go Cats!

Mom and Coop snuggling
Cooper loves hanging out with Rocco!

All bundled up and ready for bed - good night, sleep tight!

Grandma Meeting her new Grandson

Grandma Jane came to Atlanta on January 19th, excited to meet her new Grandson who was 5 days old! Of course there has been a lot of hugging and loving - the best kind that only Grandma's can give.